to the sociocratic election of class representatives
to strengthen youth leadership
4 x 2 school
How to use this guide
To help teachers and students, we've created a guide with basic information and tips based on our years of experience. The sociocratic election is a good way to get to know one of many elements of Sociocracy and makes you curious to learn more!
Print-out worksheets
We offer print-out worksheets. Some exercises are offered in BASIC and ADVANCED, so you can choose the appropriate level for your pupils. Here you can download the material.
Interactive learning path
For those interested in digital learning, we also have an interactive learning path by chabaDoo, which is only available in the advanced level. You and your pupils can either excess the learning path through the links posted in each session, or you can create a chabaDoo account.
Explaination videos
Each session has an explanation video with a summary of the most important points. We're committed to transparency: We are experimenting with using AI in education, which is why we created the following learning videos for teachers with an avatar, with 100% content created by us. Through this we can offer the learning videos in multi languages even with limited resources.
If you're interested in learning more about our experiences with AI or prefer in-person workshops, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Session 1: Preparation
Introduction to Sociocracy
The preparation phase will benefit the understanding of the students why the election is conducted differently this time. If the students are practitioners of speaking in rounds this will accelerate the open election process and give it more meaning.
The first step is getting to know the principles, theories as well as basic definitions and processes of sociocracy as preparation for doing the sociocratic election in class.
alternatively use print out Worksheet 1.1. "Introduction to sociocracy" from the material package.
Video "What is sociocracy?"
Motivations and goals
Discuss with the students why the election of class representatives will be different this year and increase their motivation. Depending on your and your pupil's relevant learning goals and subjects connect the election process to build a bridge to it, eg. inclusion, respect, SDGs (UN sustainable development goals: specifically the goals 3, 5, 10 and 16).
Invite your students to reflect on some of the questions from the worksheet 1.2. individually. They share their thoughts in the next step.
alternatively use print out Worksheets 1.2. "Motivation and goals - basic & advanced"from the material package.
Speak in rounds: Initiate a new communication culture
Video "Why do we speak in rounds?"
alternatively use print out Worksheets 1.3. "Speak in Rounds"from the material package.
Speak in rounds: Initiate a new communication culture
A round is a structured communication process in which each person has an opportunity to speak in turn. It is a technique used in group discussions or meetings to ensure that everyone has an equal chance to express their thoughts and ideas. Rounds are often used in settings where collaboration and inclusivity are valued.
Do you practice rounds already, maybe in the morning circle or the class parliamentary? Great - you can skip the explanation and practice and start with the next action!
alternatively use print out Worksheet 1.3. "Speak in rounds"from the material package.
Session 2: Role description
Video "What is consent?"
Role description of the class representative election
Now you are tuned in and you can start with the first step of the sociocratic election:
Students discuss which responsibilities or tasks the class representative team should have, and what strengths and competencies they feel are needed to perform the classroom role.
The role description provides a common ground for the election. It ensures that everyone is able to make informed decisions when it comes to the election. The class collectively defines the role description in their first consent decision following these steps.
alternatively use print out Worksheets 2.1. "Role description"from the material package.
Decide the role description by consent
Let the groups present their proposals in a first round and gather the results in a written form that is visible. Suppress objections at this point. Everyone will be heard about their reaction and consent in the next steps.
Make a second round to ask if anything else wants to be added to or deleted from that proposal.
As a teacher this is most likely the only moment to take part in the decision process. Depending on if you have an interschool role description for class representatives or special tasks (e.g. participate in the school parliament) you also add tasks for this role description. As a teacher you are the link to all other teachers, headmaster and the school.
Ask individually in turns whether they have an objection to that role description, or whether they give their consent.
Possible answers are
❏ I have no objection, I give my consent to this role description.
❏ I have an objection and see something why the proposal is not good enough and not safe enough to try.
Alternatively to the verbal formulation of the answer in rounds students can also give hand signals all at the same time.
This takes less time:
❏ A hand on the heart: no objection, consent
❏ Two hands forward: objection (and with that more information) and no consent
Ask students who have an objection to articulate their concerns and help them to propose a better solution.
Change or amend the role description until everyone gives their consent, shares responsibility for the proposal and no objections arise.
You as their teacher also give your consent to the role description (or add necessary tasks) as a delegate of the other teachers and the headmaster.
Congratulations! You created a great basis for the election of the class representative! Now everyone knows what tasks the role actually includes and what skills are needed for that.
Consent means...
that the group goal stands over the personal preferences. Consent also means good enough for now and safe enough to try. There is no need to look for the perfect solution. To find perfect solutions aka consensus takes more often than not a long time with a group. In a fast changing world we need to be able to be agile rather than perfect. A role description that is good enough and safe enough for one school year is totally acceptable.
Objections are...
like gifts in the sociocratic mindset. They give information that the proposal is missing something important. If we share objections we share our experiences and views on a topic. To have a look on a topic from different angles is valuable to find good solutions.
Prepare the next session
Give the students some time between the process of role description and the next step of the nomination. From experience, a time frame of a night to sleep over the shortest, and a week is the longest to still have an effective process.
Invite the students not to discuss their opinions with each other or to ask for favors to be elected, but to think by themselves about who fits the role description best.
Session 3: Election
Fill in the nomination sheet - open and honest
When the role description is set and agreed upon the nomination can begin. The role description is presented visibly to everyone or has been printed out. It represents the jointly formulated goal and thus provides an important orientation.
use print out Worksheets 3.1. & 3.2: "Nominate a candidate" from the material package.
Every student gets a nomination sheet to fill out individually. This can be done as homework.
On the sheet, students record their own names, the name of one candidate and which skills the candidate has in order to be a good class representative. Ask to give examples of how or in which situations these skills had been experienced in the past