About the project
„Strengthen youth leadership through the sociocratic open election of class representatives“ is a Erasmus+ co-funded project under the Agreement Number 2022-2-AT01-KA210-VET-000096210.
It runs under the claim "Level up democracy", which describes the motivations, contents and goals of the project in a nutshell.
Our Goals:
We want to bring more state of the art-methods used in innovative companies and organizations into schools. Methods like design thinking and scrum and facilities like maker spaces are finding their way more and more into education, because there is a high need for agile, creative, adaptive, self-organized and cooperative workers in all industries.
With our project we strive to introduce another state-of-the-art method - the Sociocratic open election - in vocational training and schools that is deepening the skills of participatory leadership, collaborative decision-making and inclusive behavior in the workplace.
One conviction on which this proposal is based on is: Today's fast changing and complex challenges can only be matched if we overcome competitive behavior in the world of work. Sociocracy is simply translated as “ruling together”. Gaining this mind and skill set in vocational schools already will enable great career opportunities for the young leaders, as they experience the power of overcoming obstacles together (common values, participation) and witness their own contribution to the bigger picture (civic engagement). This creates self-esteem and awareness for one's self-efficacy.
This is why we derive the following project goals from this: Build capacity for youth empowerment and inclusive leadership through the training of sociocracy on the example of the election process for class representatives.
Objective 1: Create a scalable online course with instructions, checklists and videos in German, English and Spanish with the target group of teachers and for the purpose of vocational training.
Objective 2: Testing the online course with teachers in vocational schools in Austria, Germany and Spain with high socio-economic diversity, focus on inclusive institutions and the use of sign language to enable especially in these schools inclusive education and the training of participatory methods.
Objective 3: Distribute the online course through Erasmus+ tools, educational institutions, pedagogical college, the school and education network of “Sociocracy for all”, networks from all partner organizations and through curriculums for vocational education to spread the open learning material as wide as possible.
Büro für Kollaborationskultur
Project Coordinator
consultant for change management and sociocracy
expert for youth participation
perilun GbR
expert for user experience
design & layout
learn strategist
Sociocrácia Practica
institute for sociocratic education and trainings
interactive learning plattfrom for schools
learning strategists
Die Zieglerschen
school for pupils with hearing and speech impairments
experts on inclusion
Association of Democracy interest group
partnership for print version of handbook